Dr. Varidmala Jain

Personal Details

Doctor Name Dr  Varidmala Jain
Primary Specialty Public Health
Experience 8+ Years


M.B.B.S. GSVM Medical College in 1995

MLN Medical College, Allahabad


Public Health


Dr Varidmala Jain did her MBBS from GSVM Medical College in 1995 and MD in community medicine from MLN Medical College, Allahabad in 2002. In 2003, she was appointed as Assistant Professor in Faculty of Health Sciences SHIATS, Allahabad in Department of Public Health. There she worked as program coordinator for Master of Public Health for 13 years. After that she joined Dept of Community Medicine MLN Medical College. She also completed her PhD in Public Health on “Sociomedical aspects of Cerebral Palsy”. Throughout these years she was closely associated with Samvedna and then Trishla Foundation. She also worked as project coordinator in some community projects. In 2017 she left the job to devote herself entirely with Trishla group of organization & for social well-being of children with physical disability.  

Present Appointment:
Secretary, Trishla Foundation, Prayagraj, India, 
Counsellor for children with physical disability 


Field Experience:

  1.      Attended health camp from 15.12.1999 to 24.12.1999 in 15 slums of Allahabad under “Improving women’s health in urban slums of Allahabad” organized by CARE and Department of community medicine, MLN Medical College, Allahabad.  
  2.      Attended MCHN Workshop organized by UNICEF at M.L.N. Medical College, Allahabad from 11th to 13th May 2000.
  3.      Worked as Investigator for Vitamin A survey of Mirzapur district sponsored by UNICEF from 5th Nov. to12th Nov.2001.
  4.       Attended Camp on Youth for National Unity organized by National Service Scheme from 20.1.2001 to 26.1.2001 at Allahabad.
  5.      Door to door survey for interviews of adolescent girls as required for the thesis, titled Epidemiological study of health and Psychosocial problems of adolescent girls in urban area of Allahabad.                                                        


–  “Epidemiological study of Health and Psychosocial problems of Adolescent Girls in urban area of Allahabad” –Submitted as thesis for Master Degree in Feb.2002.

–   “An Epidemiological Study on Medico-social aspects of Cerebral Palsy” for Ph.D. in Public Health from SHIATS. 


Guide for more than 30 theses submitted for Master in public health of SHIATS (formerly Allahabad Agricultural Institute, Deemed University, Allahabad, UP.)


  1. KAP study of psychosocial behavior among adolescent girls in urban Allahabad –presented in scientific session at XXIX Annual Conference of IAPSM held at Sewagram from 15th to 17th Feb. 2002.
  2. Psychosexual behavior pattern of school going adolescent girls in Urban Allahabad – presented in scientific session of South East Asia Congress of Epidemiology held at Jhansi from 24th to 27th Feb. 2002.
  3. Knowledge regarding reproductive health and psychosocial behavioral pattern of adolescent girls in urban Allahabad –presented in National Conference on Recent Advances in Reproductive Health held at Jaipur from 6th to 8th Feb. 2003.
  4. “Sequlae of Japanese Encephalitis in Kailali District of Nepal” -Presented in National conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine held on 22-24th Feb. 2007 at AIIMS, New Delhi
  5.     “Health problems and practices among street children of Kathmandu Valley” – presented in National conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine held on 22-24th Feb. 2007 at AIIMS, New Delhi
  6. “Risk factors of non communicable diseases among adolescents in Chitwan District of Nepal” presented in National conference of Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine held on 23-25 January 2008 at Department of PSM, JIPMER, Puducherry. 
  7. “Social consequences of abortion complications in rural women and role of motivational factors in Allahabad, UP” presented in National conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine held on 23-25 January 2008 at Department of PSM, JIPMER, Puducherry.


  1. Jain VM, Jain JK, Dwivedi S, Varma AN. Bio-terrorism : Invited article. University of    Allahabad Stud. (New Mellen.Ser.)2002;1(1): 5-8.  
  2. Mala V,  Dwivedi S, Kumar D, Dabral SB. Knowledge and   Attitude of                Adolescent Girls about Reproductive Health & Sexual Issues in Urban Area of Allahabad. IJPSM (2002). Vol.33 (3&4).
  3. Mala V,  Dwivedi S, Kumar D, Dabral SB. Physical Growth status of urban female Adolescents IJPSM, (2005) Vol 36 No. 1 & 2: 50-55.
  4. Mala V, Dwivedi S ,Kumar D, Dabral SB. Psychosocial Behavior pattern of unmarried urban adolescent female in Allahabad, UP-.IJCM (2007) VOL.32 No.1
  5. Joseph E V, Jain VM. Health and Psychosocial problems perceived by Elderly in Trans Jamuna Area of Allahabad, Allahabad farmer (2009)Vol. LXV No. 1: 86-90. 
  6. Sudershan Subedi, Neena Gupta , Varid Mala Jain. Knowledge attitude practice of Emergency contraceptives among youths of Parbhat district Nepal, Allahabad Farmer.2013. 124-133,Vol LXVIII No.2
  7. Adhikari K, Jain VM, Adak M, Gupta N, Koshy AK, Prevalence of Risk Factors of Non-Communicable Diseases among Adolescents in Parsa District of Nepal,  Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences , January – March 2013  RJPBCS Vol. 4 Issue 1  Page No. 568( ISSN: 0975-8585) 
  8. Mariyam Farooqui, Virginia Paul, Varidmala Jain. Food Preferences among adolescent girls(11-13 years)in Allahabad City Food Science research Journal. 2013. Vol4, Issue 1,page No.29-31
  9. Jitendra Jain,Varidmala Jain,Vinay Srivastava, Single Event Multi Level Surgery in a Teenager having Spastic Triplegic Cerebral Palsy: A Case Report Indian Journal of Cerebral Palsy, Vol.1: Issue 1,June,2013 
  10. Chel D.,V.M. Jain, Neena Gupta ,Health Hazards among farmers in the Agriculture Industry in Nepal, Allahabad Farmer, July-2013 Vol.LXIX, No.1
  11. Rakesh Singh, Babita Singh, Beulah S Lall, Varidmala Jain . Psychosocial Problems: An Issue among the Elderly in Kathmandu, Nepal, International Journal of Health Sciences & Research, 2013.  Vol 3,Issue 6, Page 48-53,  ISSN: 2249-9571
  12. Karna S K, Jain V, Gupta N. Factors responsible for default among tuberculosis patients in Sirha district, Nepal Allahabad Farmer, Vol.LXIX No. 2 pg 194-198 2014
  13. Kaphle HP , Poudel S, Subedi S, Gupta N, Jain V, Paudal P,  “Awareness and Practices on Injection Safety among Nurses Working in Hospitals of Pokhara, Nepal” International Journal of Medical and Health Sciences. Oct 2014, Vol 3: Issue 4.
  14. Subedi S, Kaphle HP,Acharya S, Gupta N, Jain V,  “Maternal Incentive Scheme in Nepal – Status of knowledge and financial benefits received by mothers on ANC incentive and Safe Delivery Incentive Program” Indian Journal of Community Health. Vol.26, No.3, July-Sept 2014. 
  15. Kaphle HP, Parajuli D, Subedi S, Neupane N, Gupta N, Jain V Health status, Family relation and living condition of elderly people residing in Geriatrics Homes of Western Nepal. International Journal of health Sciences and Research, Vol.4;Issue :7; July 2014
  16. Kunwar LB, Kunwar BB, Jain V, Subedi S, “Hygiene Practices in Rural Area of Doti District, Nepal” International Journal of Health Sciences & Research Vol.4; Issue 3; March 2014.
  17. Singh R, Jain V, Lall S, Gupta N. “Institutionalized and non institutionalized elderly of Kathmandu in relation to their psychosocial problems”. Allahabad Farmer. Jan 2015: Vol.LXX No.2
  18. Varidmala Jain, Kishore Adhikari, Risk factors of NCDs among Adolescent girls in Nepal. Indian Journal of Preventive & Social Medicine. Vol 45(1-2) Jan-June 2014pg: 95-99
  19. Varidmala Jain, Gyanendra Singh, Jitendra Kumar Jain, Arvind Dayal, Neena Gupta, Tapas Pal. Socio-Demographic Profile of Cerebral Palsy Affected Patients: An Indian Scenario: International Journal of Current Research & Review. 2015; 7(12): 15-18
  20.   Varidmala Jain, Jitendra Kumar Jain, Gyanendra Singh, Amit Pandey Perinatal risk factors in cerebral palsy: A rehab center based study  .Indian Journal of cerebral palsy.Vol.1 issue 2,July-Dec.2015
  21.  Basanti Pokharel, Varidmala Jain, Neena Gupta. Study on Factors Contributing Uterine Prolapse among Women Attending Gynecology OPD in Kathmandu, Nepal, International Journal of Health Science and research Vol.6; Issue: 1; January 2016. 
  22. Dilaram Acharya,  Jitendra Kumar Singh, Samaj Adhikari, Varidmala Jain, Association between sociodemographic characteristics of female community health volunteers and their knowledge and performance on maternal and child health services in rural Nepal. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare,  2016:9 111–120
  23. ChhabuKala Gurung,Neena Gupta,Dipak Kumar Bose,Varidmala Jain, Responsible social factors for abortion under comprehensive and post abortion care, Allahabad farmer, July 2015:VolLXXI No.1

Conference /workshop/Seminar attended

  1. XXIX Annual Conference of IAPSM held at Sewagram conducted by Medical College, Sewagram, on 15th to 17th Feb.2002. 
  2. South East Asia Congress of Epidemiology held at Jhansi conducted by Medical College Jhansi, funded by WHO, UNICEF, SIDA etc on 24thto 27th Feb     2002.
  3. National Conference on Recent Advances in Reproductive Health held at Jaipur on 6th to 8th Feb2003.
  4. National conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine held on 22-24th Feb. 2007 at AIIMS, New Delhi.
  5. 35th National conference of Indian association of Preventive and Social Medicine held on 23-25th January2008 at JIPMER, Puducherry.
  6. First National Conference of Cerebral Palsy (CPCON-2010) 4th -5th December 2010,
  7. National Symposia on Parental Guideline for Cerebral Palsy Children on November 27,  2011
  8. Workshop on “Randomized Response Techniques (RRT) for Sensitive Surveys” Oct  20, 2012 Govt. Medical College, Chandigarh
  9. National workshop on Approach in Management of Cerebral Palsy on 18th November 2012.
  10.   First International Conference and IX Annual Conference of IACP Pre Conference Workshop on Family Forum on 9-10th October 2014 in Hyderabad, Telangana.  
  11. “National workshop on Innovative Trends of Statistics in Modern Methodology” organized by UPRTOU, Allahabad from 14-20 March, 2015.
  12. National workshop on Approach in Management of Cerebral Palsy on 18th November 2012.
  13. First International Conference and IX Annual Conference of IACP Pre Conference Workshop on Family Forum on 9-10th October 2014 in Hyderabad, Telangana.
  14. 10th Annual National conference of Indian Academy of Cerebral Palsy from 18th to 20th December 2015 in SV national Institute of Rehabilitation Training & Research, Cuttack, Odisha.
  15. 8th National Conference of Saksham from 27-29th November 2015 at Vivekanada Kendra, Kanyakumari

Conference /workshop/Seminar attended at SHIATS

  1. Ist CME on Public Health was organized on 5th August 2005. FHS, SHIATS,Allahabad
  2. National Seminar on Environmental: Issues & Challenges. May 6-7, 2010, FHS, SHIATS,Allahabad
  3. 2nd CME on Public Health on theme was Antimicrobial Resistant: No Action Today, No Cure tomorrow. April 7, 2011 FHS, SHIATS,Allahabad
  4. Workshop on recent concepts in epidemiology on 14th -15th November 2011FHS, SHIATS,Allahabad
  5. SPSS training workshop on 15-18 Oct. 2012. FHS, SHIATS,Allahabad
  6. Protoscience,  Health and wellbeing: Global Concern and Approach, 7-8 March 2013,FHS, SHIATS,Allahabad

CME, Seminar, workshops organized

As convener of Conference/Seminar/ workshops committee to FHMS organized following events—–

  1. Ist CME on Public Health was organized on 5th August 2005. Distinguished speakers, Dr. Premila Webster Professor, Dept. Of Public Health, Oxford University, U.K and Dr. Shrddha Dwivedi Prof. and head, Dept. of Community Medicine, MLN Medical College Allahabad delivered, lectures on various public health topics.
  2. Seminar on “Dengue: prevention and control” was organized on 9th October 2006. In which lectures were delivered by Dr. G. Singh, Mr. Yashab Kumar and Dr. Varidmala Jain. 
  3. Seminar on HIV/AIDS was organized on 29th Nov.  2006 with Mr. Banner Makan Executive director of CANA (Christian HIV/AIDS National Alliance) at New Delhi as resource person.
  4. Special training course on SPSS software was organized for students of MPH IIIrd semester from 6th November to 11th November again from 20th November to 25th November 2006 by Mr. Tushar Singh as an expert trainer. 
  5. Seminar on “Community Interventions in RCH” was organized on 30th October by Dr. Kavita Agrawal (Project manager, Kamala Nehru Memorial Hospital, Allahabad) as resource person for the students of MPH and BSc Health Science (Health Management). 
  6. Guest Lecture was organized with Dr. S.C. Mohapatra, Professor and head, Dept of SPM, IMS, BHU Varanasi as resource person spoke on topic ‘management in primary health care’, on 26th Feb.  2007.
  7. World health day, with CMO Allahabad as chief guest was organized on 7th April 2007.
  8. World Disability day was organized on 3rd December 2009 with Dr. G. Singh as resource person.
  9.  Organized workshop on advances in Epidemiological approaches in April 2010. in which 50 students participated and Dr. G. Singh, Dr. Ramlal and Dr. Archana Chandra were the faculty members.
  10. Convener of Scientific committee of the national Seminar on Environmental: Issues & Challenges. 5-6th May 2010
  11. Scientific secretary of First National Conference on Cerebral Palsy organized in December 4-5th 2010 by Samvedna Trust. 
  12. Seminar on Health & management: Issues and Challenges on 29th April 2011
  13. Organized a two days workshop on recent concepts in epidemiology on November    2011, in which Dr. Dinesh Kumar Walia from Govt. Medical College Chandigarh was the resource person. 
  14. Public Health Conclave on 28 August 2012
  15. SPSS training workshop on 15-18 Oct. 2012. 

Trainings Received

  1. Attended special training course on SPSS software from 15th to 18th October 2012 at Faculty of Health sciences, SHIATS, Allahabad
  2. Participated in the national workshop on ‘Innovative trends of statistics in Modern Research Methodology’from 14-20 March, 2015 organized by School of Sciences UP Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad.


  1. “DOTS strategy” in the reorientation training programme for ISM&H personnel on 3 June 2006.
  2. . “Gender issues in Planning of Reproductive health at rural level” in  Health Management workshop at G.B. pant  Social Science Institute , Jhunsi,  January 10-16 2011
  3.  “Guidelines for activities of daily living for children with Cerebral Palsy” at national Symposium on Parental guidelines for children with Cerebral Palsy  from 27-28 November 2011.
  4.  “Malnutrition causes and Prevention ” in Women’s health and Nutrition(Mahila Swasthya Aur Poshan Karyakram) Training for ASHA at Jasra Block  organized by Voluntary Institute for Community applied Sciences dated  20th September 2011 organized by NGO, VIKAS.  
  5. “Nutrition Epidemiology and Nutrition program” two days lecture delivered at summer training for M.Sc. Food Technology, at Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad from Jun 3-4, 2011. 
  6. “Hormonal problems in Adolescents” Radio Talk delivered at Akashwani, Allahabad, telecasted on April 2, 2012 at 1:15 p.m. in Grihalakhmi programme.
  7. “Health System of India” lectures delivered at summer training for M.Sc. Food Technology, at Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad on Jun 2, 2012.
  8. Participatory Rural Appraisal: Adult Learning to Promote Community Participation lectures delivered at summer training for M.Sc. Food Technology, at Center of Food Technology, University of Allahabad on Jun 2, 2012.
  9.   “Sensitive Issues in Medical Surveys and reliability concerns”   in Workshop on “Randomized Response Techniques (RRT) for Sensitive Surveys” Government Medical College, Chandigarh 20th October 2012.
  10. Neonatal Care in  I C U, National workshop on  Approach in management of Cerebral Palsy on 18th November 2012
  11. Activity of daily Living in children with cerebral palsy’ in workshop on “Parents perspective on social and therapeutic issues of parents of CP children” on 17th November 2013 in Allahabad
  12. Introduction to Parent’s Forum’ and Nutritional and Hormonal Problem in Children with Cerebral palsy in First International Conference and IX Annual Conference of IACP Pre Conference Workshop on Family Forum on 9-10th October 2014 in Hyderabad, Telangana. 
  13. Managing activity of daily living and nutritional problems in children with Cerebral Palsy’ in 10th Annual National conference of Indian Academy of Cerebral Palsy from 18th to 20th December 2015 in SV national Institute of Rehabilitation Training & Research, Cuttack, Odisha.
  14.  Cerebral Palsy: An Indian Scenario in 8th National Conference of Saksham from 27-29th November 2015 at Vivekanada Kendra, Kanyakumari.
  15. “Yoga and Health”, 2 March 2017, Rajarshi Tandon open University during National Seminar on “Relevance of Yoga in present Context”.
  16. Geriatric Nutrition during Seminar on Old age persons organized by Bharat Vikas Parishad  16 Feb 2017. 
  17.   Cerebral Palsy; Effect on women health , 16 Feb 2019 during National Seminar on “Minimizing disease burden of Women through awareness program” organized by Dev Kalyan Samiti Mahewa, Prayagraj in collaboration with Association of Food scientists and Technologists India (AFST-I) Allahabad Chapter, CFT, University of Allahabad 
  18. Cerebral Palsy: Role of Trishla Foundation, during meeting of Rotary club on  August 1, 2018.
  19. Research Methodology, during a workshop on Epidemiology, Shalom Institute of Health Sciences,  SHUATS, 4 April 2019

Radio talks: 

  1. Radio talk: Hormonal Problems in Adolescent through Akashwani in GrihLaxmi program of Allahabad. Broadcasted on 2 April ,2012 at 1.15 PM.
  2. Radio talks: “Chhota parivar Swasthya parivar” & “Parivar Niyojan ke upay” through Akashwani in GrihLaxmi program of Allahabad. Broadcasted on 15, 16 May 2013 6.45a.m.
  3.  Radio talk Dr Varidmala Jain delivered radio talk  on topic “mosquito born diseases and their prevention” telecasted on Akashwani on 9-7-2014
  4. Radio talk: “Chikanguniya Jwar Kya hai” & “ Dengue Jwar se Bachen” through Akashwani, Allahabad. Broadcasted on 9-8-2015  at 6.45a.m.
  5. Rdio talk “swakshata aur hamara swathya” “Shishuo ka Uchit Poshan awashyak Kyon” telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad on 12 and 13 -3-2016. 
  6. Radio talk “ Dengu aur chikengunea: karan laxan aur upchar” telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad 2-10-2016. 
  7. Radio bhaintvarta” Dengue karan Laxan aur Upchar” telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad on 11-11-17.
  8. Radio talk ” Garbhwati mahila ki dekhbhal” telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad on 5-03-2018.
  9. radio talk ” Malaria karan laxan aur upchar” and telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad on .28-11-18.
  10. ” saaf safai dwara swasthya suraksha” telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad on 29-11-18.
  11. Radio talk ” garmiyon mein baccho ki sehat ka kaise rakhe dhyan” telecasted by Akashwani Allahabad on 03–6-19.


Life Member-

  1.     Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine.
  2.     Indian Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine.
  3.     Indian Public Health Association.
  4.   Indian Medical Association, Allahabad Branch.

Walk in Appointments Available Daily

You can make an appointment online for video tale-consultation by fixing up an appointment at this website or you can visit the clinic to make an appointment in person and show to doctor with the care of social distancing at the given time.

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+ 91 9415014994
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Our Location

Dr. Jitendra Kumar Jain
Trishla Orthopedic Clinic & Rehab center, 182C / 350A, Tagore Town, Prayagraj (Allahabad) U.P-211002, India

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